End of Season Sale - ALL Coats & Jackets 30% OFF - VALID UNTIL END OF MARCH 2024 discount apply at checkout


Is Alpaca Wool Hypoallergenic?

Is Alpaca Wool Hypoallergenic?
What Is Alpaca Wool? Is alpaca wool hypoallergenic? - its an important question if you are have allergy issues. Before learning that, lets learn ab...

The Return of Quiet Luxury

The Return of Quiet Luxury

The return of Quiet Luxury

Alicia Peru is in fashion with Quiet Luxury movement. We offer timeless designs in quality fabrics like baby alpaca. Shop our exceptional women's outerwear collection today.

Earth Day

Earth Day
Archive Sale Earth Day - We are celebrating by highlighting...

Local Business

Local Business
Local Business ...


Are we sick because the Earth is sick?

We at Alicia Peru are going through the same cycles of human emotion as all of you - denial, anxiety, dread and hope.  We as a local small business are self quarantining and trying to stay hopeful for the time when we will leave our homes with confidence and embrace life as we knew it.  We hope this forced home time helps us to take stock in the importance of our  family units, how we consume products and what we need to think about with respect to our common mother -Earth.